Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bain Capital on Operational Value Added: Get Active Early

From Knowledge@ Wharton Capital of Driving Returns from Value Added Investing

"The only way to get value is by helping portfolio companies grow at some rate faster than their competitors," said Dan Haas, leader of Bain & Co.'s Private Equity Group and moderator of a conference panel titled "Operational Value Add." Over time, Bain has discovered several keys to adding value to a portfolio company. First, he said, funds must take an active role and structure deals that suit their own strategy. "What's most important is you get the [deal] right for the size of the fund, the style of investing of the fund and the culture of the fund," he said.
Finally, Haas said, Bain has learned that "early matters." Citing Bain's experience with "hundreds of companies," he noted that "returns on deals where the private equity fund got involved in the first year of ownership performed two times better than when the fund gets involved at a later time."